Come si mangia in un'azienda inglese

Il menu' del ristorante aziendale

25/04/2013 | Claudio_VL | 0 commenti

Venticinque aprile, giorno di festa in Italia. Mentre voi vi state godendo (spero!) una giornata di riposo, all'estero siamo in ufficio. Giustamente, visto che il venticinque aprile e' una festa italiana e in Inghilterra (per esempio) questa e' una normale giornata lavorativa. A titolo di curiosita', vorrei condividere l'email che il gestore della mensa aziendale (non sovvenzionata dall'azienda) di una tipica azienda inglese invia ai dipendenti.

Good morning all!!

Another beautiful day beckons and it's Thursday. Hope all of you working from home today manage to top up your tans. Just make sure you can get a good wifi signal from the garden!! :-p

For those of us who have to work today we in the cafe have the following available later today.

Todays soup is pumpkin & sage served with 1/2 French baguette

Today we have a lovely joint of topside farm assured British beef which will be slow roasted with fried onions and horseradish mayo and served in a warm ciabatta with hand cut chips.

For the vegetarians we have slow roasted Mediterranean vegetables served in a warm ciabatta with hand cut chips.

Todays salads are: house salad, pumpkin, lentil and feta cheese and finally a fragrant cous cous.

We also have some tasty ciabattas and baguettes with many new flavours coming out of the wood work.

We still have a couple of slices of the Austrian chocolate cake and a few slices of the super yummy apple, cinnamon and nut cake and to finish off Franco has baked a super, mixed spice pound cake.

Have a fantastic day and see you at lunch.

Mette di buon umore, e fa venir appetito, un messaggio del genere.

Argomenti: lavorare all'estero, Mangiare e bere in Gran Bretagna, vivere in Inghilterra

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