454 modi per dire VAGINA in inglese
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09/06/2013 | Redazione VL | 1 commentiVi ricordate Roberto Benigni che salta addosso alla Carra', recitando tutte le parole che gli vengono in mente per l'organo genitale femminile? Se fosse successo negli USA, se al posto di Benigni ci fosse stati Robin Williams, o Jim Carrey, o Jack Black, quali parole avrebbero utilizzato? Tante, probabilmente. Noi ne abbiamo contate 454, e la lista avrebbe potuto essere anche piu' lunga, ma abbiamo tentato di evitare di scadere troppo nella volgarita'.
E prima di iniziare la lista, osserviamo Roberto Benigni all'opera:
- Altar Of Love
- Amazon Forest
- Axe Wound
- Babby
- Baby Chute
- Baby Door
- Baby Zipper
- Babyoven
- Bacon Hole
- Badger
- Bag Pipe
- Bait
- Bald Biscuit
- Banana Box
- Basement
- Bean
- Bear Trap
- Bearded Ax Wound
- Bearded Clam
- Bearded Taco
- Beaver: uno tra i termini piu' comuni e (relativamente) innocui.
- Beaver Teeth
- Beef Curtains
- Beef Tomato
- Beetle Hood
- Belly Entrance
- Big Bud
- Big Montana
- Bird'S Nest
- Birth Canal
- Birth Cavern
- Bitch Ditch
- Bitter & Twisted
- Black Hole
- Black Oak
- Bologna Flap-Over
- Bone Hider: da ricordare che "bone" e' uno dei 203 modi per dire 'pene' in inglese
- Bone Polisher
- Bonefish
- Bottomless Pit
- Bower Of Bliss
- Bowl
- Box
- Boy In The Canoe
- Brakepads
- Brazilian Caterpillar
- Bread-Box
- Breakfast Of Champions
- Britney
- Bubble Gum By The Bum
- Bucket
- Buffalo Gums
- Bullet Wound
- Bunny Tuft
- Burger Bar
- Bush
- Bush Tucker
- Business
- Camel Toe
- Candy Kiss
- Carpet
- Cat
- Catcher'S Mitt
- Cats Paw
- Cave
- Chacha
- Chanch
- Cherry
- Cherry Pop Tart
- Chia Hole
- Chicken'S Tongue
- Chin-Chin
- Chocha
- Choot
- Clam
- Clam Canal
- Clamarama
- Clap Trap
- Clapper Claw
- Clit Slit
- Conch Shell
- Cooch O Coochie
- Cookie
- Coose Canal
- Cooter
- Coozie
- Crack
- Crotch Waffle
- Cucumber Canal
- Cunnikin
- Cunny
- Cunt
- Cupid'S Cupboard
- Curator
- Curly Curtains
- Dead Clam
- Deep Socket
- Deer Hoof
- Depository
- Devil'S Hole
- Dew-Flaps
- Dinner Roll
- Displabia
- Dna Catcher
- Dog'S Mouth
- Donut
- Door Of Life
- Dove Breast
- Egg Crate
- Egg Drop Box
- Enchilada Of Love
- Erie Canal
- Eve’S Tunnel
- Faith
- Fanny: d'uso comune (vedi Sienna Miller al telefono con Daniel Craig in Layer Cake)
- Fat Rabbit
- Fatty
- Field Of Dreams: poetico...
- Fish Canyon
- Fish Cave
- Fish Dish
- Fish Mitten
- Fish Sandwich
- Fishamjig
- Flap Dragon
- Flapped Bap
- Flaps
- Flesh Cavern
- Flesh Tuxedo
- Flesh Wrap
- Flower
- Fly Catcher
- Forbidden Area
- Foxhole
- Front Bottom
- Frothy Creek
- Fruit Cup
- Frum
- Fun Hatch
- Fur Burger
- Furby
- Furrogi: termine polacco diventato quasi universale.
- Furry Furnace
- Furry Taco
- Fury Pink Mink
- Fuzz Box
- Fuzz Bucket
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Gash
- Gauntlet
- Gentleman’S Pleasure Garden
- Gizmo
- Glory Hole
- God's Stab Wound
- Golden Arches
- Golden Palace
- Golden Valley
- Goodie Basket
- Grandest Canyon
- Grassy Knoll
- Ground Zero
- Grumble
- Hair Pie
- Hairy Doughnut
- Hairy Heaven
- Hairy Potter
- Ham Sandwich
- Hamper Of Goodies
- Happy Flappy
- Happy Valley
- Harpy Nest
- Hatchet Wound
- Head Catcher
- Her Neighbor
- Hermetically Sealed Shame Basket
- Hole
- Holster
- Holy Grail
- Home Plate
- Homebase
- Honey Pot
- Hoo-Ha
- Horn Of Plenty
- Hot Pocket
- Hot Spot
- Hot Tamaki Walk
- Hump Hole
- Hungry Minge
- Indiana Bones And The Temple Of Poon
- Inferiority Complex
- Jack Nastyface
- Jam Cookie
- Jaws Of Life
- Jelly Roll
- Jewel Box
- Jezebel'S Smell
- Juice Box
- Juice Capsule
- Junk
- Kant
- Kid Factory
- Kitty
- Kitty Cage
- Kitty Kat
- Knish
- Lady Flower
- Lap Flounder
- Launch Pad
- Lawrence Of A Labia
- Lip Jeans
- Lip Tip
- Little Debbie
- Lobster Pot
- Lotus
- Love Canal
- Love Cave
- Love Glove
- Love Hole
- Love Rug
- Love Tunnel
- Lovebox
- Lucy
- Magnet
- Mammal Hole
- Man In The Boat
- Man Trap
- Man'S Charity Bash
- Mans Ruin
- Marcia: come la chiamano in Australia.
- Meat Counter
- Meat Crease
- Meat Curtains
- Meat Locker
- Meat Massager
- Meat Tunnel
- Meat Wagon
- Melvin
- Midnight Dip
- Minge: vedi South Park
- Moist Camel Hump
- Mommy Parts: espressione educata, da bambini
- Mommy'S Pie
- Moneymaker
- Mossy Cottage
- Mossy Jaw
- Mound
- Mound Of Venus
- Mud Flaps
- Muff
- Mule Nose
- Mumbler: termine australiano
- Mystery Machine
- Mystical Fold
- Nana
- Nappy Dugout
- Nappy Roots
- Nature’S Tufted Treasure
- Nether Lips
- Nether Regions
- Nice Slice
- Ninja Boot
- Nonny-No
- Noochie
- Nookie
- Old Catchers Mitt
- One Eyed Worm Hole
- One-Eyed Python Trail
- Oracle
- Pachinko
- Packin Shack
- Pancake Fold
- Pandora'S Box,Snail Tracker
- Panty Hamster,Deep Pink
- Pastrami Flaps
- Patsy
- Peach
- Peach Pit
- Pearl Hotel
- Pee Jaws
- Peeshie
- Pelvic Interior
- Penalty Box
- Penis House
- Penis Purse
- Penis Warmer
- Pink
- Pink Circle
- Pink Cookie
- Pink Heaven
- Pink Panther
- Pink Portal
- Pink Taco
- Pink Truffle
- Pink Turtleneck
- Pish Buffet
- Piss Fenders
- Piss Flaps
- Pissy Froth Hole
- Pocket Pie
- Pole Hole
- Pole Magnet
- Ponchita
- Poochika
- Poody Tat
- Poon Jab
- Poonaner
- Poontang
- Poontang Pie
- Pooswaa
- Pork Pie
- Pound Cake
- Private Area
- Privates
- Pud Pocket
- Pudding
- Puff Pillow
- Punani: dall'indiano. Piuttosto popolare in Gran Bretagna.
- Punash
- Purple People Penis Eater
- Pussy: il termine (relativamente) volgare piu' comune.
- Python Syphon
- Queef Quarters
- Quim
- Rack Of Clam
- Rattlesnake Canyon
- Red Lane
- Red River Gorge
- Red Sea
- Republic Of Labia
- Richards House
- Roast Beef Curtains
- Rooster Jaws
- Rosebud
- Saloon Doors
- Sausage Wallet
- Schmegina
- Scrambled Eggs Between The Legs
- Scrumpter
- Sea Food Six Pack
- Serpent Socket
- Silk Barnacle
- Silk Funnel
- Silk Igloo
- Sin Flower
- Sin Gash
- Skin Canoe
- Skin Wand Scarf
- Skins
- Slice Of Heaven
- Slippery Slide
- Slit
- Slop Hole
- Slot Pocket
- Slurpee Machine
- Slurpy
- Snack Bar Or Vegetarian Temptation
- Snake Charmer
- Snake Lake
- Snatch
- Snooch
- Sock
- Socket
- South Mouth
- Spaghetti Junction
- Spasm Chasm
- Spitball Bullseye
- Split Dick
- Spousehole
- Spunk-Pot
- Squeeze-Box
- Squeezer
- Squid
- Stop-N-Pop
- Sugar Basin
- Sugar Hole
- Sweat Box
- Sweet Briar
- Tackle Box
- The Big Casino
- The Blow Hole
- The Bone Collector
- The Code Defierthe Salt Water Taffy Factory
- The Condo Downstate
- The Cum Dump
- The Dea Bone Patch
- The Death Of Adam
- The Deflower Patch
- The Easy Bake Oven
- The Fish Flap
- The Furry Cup
- The Great Divide
- The Helmut Hide-A-Way
- The Indoor Barbecue
- The Indoor Picnic
- The Not-So-Fresh Place
- The Notorious V.A.G.
- The One-Door Vulva
- The Promised Land
- The Pump Protector
- The Shrine
- The Toothless Blow Job
- The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil
- The Twatlantic Ocean
- The Unmentionable
- The Vegan Store
- The Vegitarian'S Temptation
- The Virginator
- The Welcome Opponent
- The Wombsday Book
- Theme Park
- Thresher
- Tickled Pink
- Tinker Bell
- Tomahawk Chop
- Tongue Depressor
- Tongue Roll
- Toolshed
- Trim
- Tuna Pot Pie
- Tuna Spread
- Tuna Taco
- Tuna Town
- Tunnel Of Love
- Twat
- Untapped Resource
- Va Jay Jay
- Vadge
- Vajayjay
- Vedgie
- Velcro Love Triangle
- Venus Butterfly
- Vertical Smile
- Vidgie
- Vulva
- Wagon Ruts
- Wand Waxer
- Warmer
- Wiener Wrap
- Welly Top
- Wet Mark
- Wet Seal
- Whisker Biscuit
- Wide Receiver
- Willys Haven
- Wilt Chamberlian'S Daily Glove: il cestista Wilt Chamberlain si vantava d'aver copulato con molte migliaia di donne, una (o piu') al giorno per molti anni.
- Wizard'S Sleeve
- Wolly Bolly
- Womens Weapon
- Wonder Bread
- Wookie
- Yeast Pocket
- Yo Yo Smuggler
- Yon
... e una parola irlandese
Aggiornamento 11/08/2014: grazie ad una sfortunata foto pubblicitaria di un college dell'Irlanda del Nord, e all'occhio attento del comico irlandese Dara O'Briain, ora sappiamo anche UNA parola gergale irlandese per "vagina": si tratta di "gee". La fonte e' questa conversazione su Twitter.
Argomenti: frasi e parole inglesi, lingue, liste
Commenti (1)Commenta
10/06/2013 16:12:17, Mauro
Sicuramente tra i 454 modi di dire vagina in inglese ce ne sono di fantastici e simpatici, ma dopo aver sentito una disquisizione di Benigni sulla Patonza e sui modi come la chiamiamo noi Italiani!! Mi spiace a mia opinione la nostra lingua Batte 10 a 1 l'inglese!!
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